Public viewing hours by week are listed below. MCAC is a multi-use venue, so pay careful attention to daily times, as these change, due to scheduled events in the space. Exhibitions remain on the walls at all times, and can be viewed during the events, time and space permitting. You can advance weeks by clicking on the arrows by the date span or drop down the date span for a specific week.
New Jersey Plein Air Painters
The New Jersey Plein Air Painters are exhibiting their work at MCAC through May 14.
On May 3 we will hold a reception for all the participating artists, where the public can enjoy some food and drink and learn more about each of their work.
Free of charge
The New Jersey Plein Air Painters are a group of NJ regional painters in all media, that enjoy painting the Landscape….outdoor floral, rural and urban locales.
We go out to shore points, local towns, to arboretums,
parks and wilderness areas, with old friends and new that share this same passion of creating under the open sky. Our group is made up of renowned local artists, instructors, national winners and nomad-artists that love to travel to the next best painting site, here and internationally.
NJPAP has a FaceBook page where we post images of artworks, share related plain-air news and events from around the world.