In the mid-1980s, when abuse insidiously took hold in the lives of three women, a small grassroots group of locals worked with the town of East Hampton and the local Rotary Club to establish a shelter called The Retreat, which opened in 1992.
Director Markie Hancock uncovers a narrative of survival and empowerment as she retraces the improbable beginnings of The Retreat and its mission to provide safety, shelter, and support to victims of domestic violence. A story of resilience, hope, and inspiration in the face of fraught times, THE POWER OF COMMUNITY is a moving and empathetic testament to a life-saving local institution.
A Special Monday Matinee at 2:00 pm
The Film Society of Summitย screens the documentaryย The Power of Community: How One Town Stood Against Domestic Violence
Panel Discussion to Follow with Kim Clerie, Clinician and Outreach Coordinator for Rachel Coalition and director Markie Hancock
Open to the general public.
Tickets are $15 and can be purchased ahead of time or at the door.ย
Proceeds support the Rachel Coalition, the domestic violence division of Jewish Family Service of Metrowest New Jersey.